No matter how hygienic we are in our home, pests always find a way to enter our house. Pests not only enter our house but also destroy our home, food, clothes, important doucuments, causes severe diseases and health problems. It is always recommended to choose the right service provider, that can manage to solve all your problems. By choosing verminator, we ensure you to make your home pest & infestation free. Pests are capable of destroying our property & assets. Apart from this they are also dangerous to our health. But by avoiding or skipping pests we are likely to compromise with our health issues. Verminator is an effective and leading pest control service provider in Kerala offering pest control services and pest treatments in residential and home. Our expert & professional team has wide experience in eliminating pests from residential & home areas quickly. When it comes to solving pest problems in your home or residence, you want to be confident that you, your loved ones, and your pets are safe. Our natural & odorless pest control services give us confidence that the treatment will work.